Figma’s PRD Template

Figma product template for effective problem-solving, goal-setting, and launching your product.
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Figma is a cloud-based design tool used for creating user interfaces, prototypes, and design systems. The Figma Product Requirements Document (PRD) template is designed to help product teams gather all the necessary information to create a successful product. The headings included in the template are:

  • Problem statement: Clearly defining the problem you are trying to solve is crucial to the success of your product. This section should outline the problem, why it is important to solve, and the impact it has on the user.
  • High-level approach: Once you have defined the problem, the next step is to outline the high-level approach to solving it. This should include a brief overview of the solution and how it addresses the problem.
  • Goals and success: Setting clear goals and success metrics is essential to measure the effectiveness of your product. This section should detail the goals and metrics you plan to use to measure success.
  • Solution: This section should outline the solution in more detail. This may include a description of the product, the key features, and how it works.
  • Key features: This section should provide a detailed breakdown of the key features of the product. It is important to outline the features that are essential to solving the problem and delivering value to the user.
  • Key flows: Describing the key user flows in your product is important for understanding how users will interact with your product. This section should detail the user flows and provide mockups or wireframes to visualize them.
  • Open issues and key decisions: It is important to identify any open issues or key decisions that need to be made during the development process. This section should list the open issues and provide a plan to address them.
  • Key milestones: Setting key milestones is crucial to staying on track and ensuring that the product is launched on time. This section should outline the key milestones and provide a timeline for when they will be completed.
  • Launch plan: The launch plan outlines the steps that need to be taken to successfully launch the product. This should include the target audience, marketing channels, and launch date.

By using the Figma PRD template, product teams can ensure that they have a clear understanding of the problem, the solution, and the key features required to create a successful product. The template provides a structured approach to gathering all the necessary information, making it easier to stay on track and launch the product on time.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Notion template?
A Notion template is any publicly shared page in Notion that can be duplicated. They allow you to duplicate other workflows and systems that you want to use.
How to duplicate a template?
After your purchase, you will receive a template link. Open the link, then click on duplicate on the top right corner, then choose the workspace you'd like to duplicate into. If you're logged out or don't have a Notion account, you'll be prompted to sign in or create one first.
Do I need to pay for Notion to use a template?
No. You will just need a free account plan in Notion to use a template.

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